Lifelong Learning

Knowledge should be uncompromisingly sought after and freely given away.

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Arduino Powered Dog Stairs!

Yes, you read that right! I’ve talked briefly about my dog stairs project in my first post and finally got around to taking lots of high resolution pictures and thought I’d share the project with everyone. You can find all… Continue Reading →

My First PCB, WOOT!

This past week I received my first order from! I had built a 5V regulated 5v power supply. I figured I’d start small and simple to ensure I understood the pincipals of PCB layout and what the fab houses… Continue Reading →

Laying Out a Custom PCB

Ever since I started playing with the Arduino I knew I wanted to get futher into how they worked and even start forging ahead with my own designs. Fortunately there is a fantastic community of folks out there who are… Continue Reading →

Using the Maxim7219 with Arduino

A few weeks ago I setup my Arduino to power a simple single digit 7 segment LED array. It took lots of pins from the Arduino (one per segment) to power it. Nice simple setup but I knew it would… Continue Reading →

The Hall Effect…

I got an order in from Jameco yesterday and inside found a long awaited sensor! I had ordered a couple of the Allegro linear hall effect sensors. These are different than the others I purchased from, they are not… Continue Reading →

Controlling a servo with a TV remote using Arduino!

I decided today after I got home from work, I’d try to get my next quick project done. I wanted to control a hobby servo using a standard TV remote. I had a RadioShack IR receiver (Part No. 276-640) already… Continue Reading →

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