A while back I wrote about a neat project that I had read about where a couple of LEDs and an ATTINY13 had been used to simulate the flicker flame of a candle or fire. I built a prototype and quickly realized that project deserved more of my attention, I spent the next couple of days tweaking the design and code to come up with this! My primary design focus was battery life and I’ve been running this board with 3 standard AA batteries for nearly 2 months. Good enough for me! This design incorporates a photocell to turn the LEDs off during light hours and a deep sleep mode for the AVR when the LEDs are not illuminated. A watchdog timer triggers the AVR to wake up and sample the photocell to decide if it’s dark enough to start illuminating the LEDs. I’ve included the Eagle schematic and board files in addition the the AVR C code and high-res pictures in the attached zip.
August 1, 2010 at 1:54 pm
Would you happen to have one of these PCB’s left over (or I guess I could buy an assembled one from you) I need something to replace 2 led candles for the graveside of my grandmother. Those cheap plastic ones are a pain and they only last for a month or so. If I could put one of these in one of their cases I think it would be perfect…
please e-mail me bbsuxREMOVE@binary.net (remove the “REMOVE” obviously)
November 6, 2010 at 3:19 pm
You wouldn’t be willing to build and sell me a fire PCB like you made would you?
Just shoot me an email at markworkman at gmail.com
Mark Workman
February 13, 2011 at 12:11 pm
Please send me an email, I would need to know more about this project. I wish to make it on a larger scale for a 12v system.
bigbearjohn72 at gmail.com