Arduino Seven Segment Display Project

I decide to stop by Radio Shack and pick up a seven segment LED (RHDP) so I could learn to use it with my Arduino board. I had actually ordered a few from Jameco but I had a couple of hours to kill today so I decided to feed my impulse. The cool thing about these displays is that they are really easy to use. You can see in the pictures there are lots of wires, it basically takes 1 digital output per segment and a common ground to run it (I didn’t use the decimal point), but really the coding was super simple. Ignore all those resistors on the picture below, I didn’t have a 68ohm resistors so I had to improvise with some lower ohm resistors put in series. This is a very satisfying project and only took me about 45mins from start to finish, highly recommended for those new to the Arduino board… I’ve included a ZIP file with the code and a few hi-res pictures for anyone instrested.


Arduino Seven Segment LED Project

Title: SevenSegmentLED (917 clicks)
Size: 1 MB

Title: SevenSegmentLED (917 clicks)
Size: 1 MB