Ardunio IR Servo Controller

I decided today after I got home from work, I’d try to get my next quick project done. I wanted to control a hobby servo using a standard TV remote. I had a RadioShack IR receiver (Part No. 276-640) already as well as a standard hobby servo.

I quickly hooked things up. 10k resistor between the PWM pin on the Arduino and the servo sensor wire. 200ohm resistor between the digial pin on the Arduino and the output of the IR reciever. Hooked up my 5v to both and grounds and I was done.

I found some sample code as referenced in the Ardunio code below and modified it to find out what codes my remote was outputting for different keys. I decided I’d have it move the servo left and right using the left and right arrow keys on the remote and then center it at 90 degrees when the “OK” button was pushed.  I also output the keypresses to the serial port to verify movement…

Worked like a charm! Amazing how simple tasks like this are with such a great community of folks posting example code and a wonderous board like the Ardunio!

Arduino IR Servo Controller

Hi resolution pictures and the Ardunio code can be found in the attached ZIP file.

Title: IRServoProject (1517 clicks)
Size: 2 MB

Title: IRServoProject (1517 clicks)
Size: 2 MB